An Illustrated Guide to Relativity
Read Online or Download Table of Contents, Index Lecture Notes Special Relativity Practice Problems Before starting Tatsu Takeuchi's An Illustrated Guide to Relativity there is a seemingly paradoxical observation happening right now. If I turned on a Geiger counter at your home or mine we might hear "click....... click.. click..... click......... Click...... click". The Geiger counter may be detecting some background radioactivity from your china or a bit of Radon, but the majority of those clicks are likely from cosmic ray showers happening all the time that result from very high energy protons striking upper atmosphere atoms, say roughly 20 miles above the ground. One of the particles created in the cosmic ray showers is the electron's heavier cousin, the muon. Muons are unstable and have a mean lifetime of only 2.2µs. Hmmm, 2.2µs isn't long enough for muons to make it to our Geiger counters. Light propagates 2163.9 feet in 2.2µs. Muons can't travel faster than the speed of light. What gives? Can Special Relativity solve the paradox? Let's see.
Interactive Minkowski Diagram Lorentz Factor Calculator 𝛾 = 1/√(1-(v^2/c^2))
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